Joined: Tue Jun 10 2008, 12:57am Location: Toowoomba Posts: 45
does anyone know how to fix bientg kicked from a game because of my ping rate being to high. punkbuster kicks me off because i have an average ping rate of 270 or higher
knowing your setup it could be because of the wireless however try manually downloading the latest punk buster, install this and update any of your games... this may help... otherwise general maintenance such as defrags might help too
your ping rate might be high because punkbuster typically doesn't like talking to any other version except the current version on the servers (typically the latest)
Joined: Tue Jun 10 2008, 12:57am Location: Toowoomba Posts: 45
Thanks i have to every couple of days run pbweb which then updates my punkbuster version... i know have a few medals first private a purple heart basic transport and basic sniper ... i think i might have one for spec opps too